Agenda items 2, 3 and 10 are cancelled.


Agenda item 2 and 10: Election and setting up voting committee / Re-election Harry Derksen for 2e term as chairman
Harry Derksen has indicated that he can no longer combine the position of chairman with his work environment, as a result of which he refrains from standing for election for a 2e term. As a result, agenda items 2 and 10 are cancelled.

Agenda item 3: Approval of Household Regulations (HHR)
Important amendments have been made to the cpt HHR from the association. The board has seen this as a reason to critically discuss the HHR within the board, which unfortunately turned out to be impossible before December 10th. For that reason, the board withdraws item 3 on the agenda and will submit an amended HHR to the members for approval at the next GMM after December 10.

Custom Calendar:

  1. Opening and announcements
  2. Election and setting up voting committee (lapses)
  3. Approve: House Rules (lapses)
  4. Approve: The code of conduct, procedure Confidential counselor and the Complaints procedure
  5. Approve: The memorandum (power point presentation) regarding the organizational management that we stand for.
  6. Proposals for new employees: Marianne Steijnis; Rohit Vyas; Gee Meulmeester.
  7. Reports and budgets of various working groups and activities:
    – Young & Out
    - Education
    – IT
    – La vie en rose
    – Silver
    – COC Cafe
    - Social work
  8. The 2015 budget with explanation by treasurer
  9. Explanation Proposal to attract manager of café activities.
  10. Re-election Harry Derksen as chairman (lapses)
  11. Any other business
  12. closure

See also the original announcement

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