Pink council debate in Pijnacker-Nootdorp

Pijnacker-Nootdorp seeks to link up with the other Rainbow municipalities in the region for its LGBTI policy and wants to stay in touch with COC Haaglanden for the next four years. The municipality is already doing quite well, but the parties see opportunities for improvements in sports, for example, and would like to receive signals from residents.

At the Pink Council debate that will take place on 7 March in Buurt & Zo in Pijnacker-Nootdorp, nine parties will debate with each other under the leadership of Erwin Angad-Gaur. It starts with a few short yes/no statements to warm up the participants and the audience. “Do you know a transgender person?” The split turns out to be fifty-fifty. It also appears that a large part of those present at school have never been informed about homosexuality and a majority have to confess the word "HOMO!" sometimes used as a swear word. The tone is set.

Men's meeting place
One of the statements refers to the men's meeting place in Ruyven-Noord, often referred to as a 'headache file'. Although the statement is about ensuring the safety of users, a heated discussion immediately erupts:

Frank van Kuppeveld from the CDA: “There should not be such a MOP. You can also meet in a cafe, right?” Mary van Bijnen van Progressief Pijnacker-Nootdorp counters this: “If you don't cause any nuisance, it's allowed in public space, so there should be a place like that. And the municipality must indeed guarantee safety.” Ilona Jense The VVD thinks it inconceivable that a MOP is still necessary, but adds: "If there is, then extra efforts by the municipality to guarantee safety", and the CDA also agrees.

Symbol policy
Many municipalities have a rainbow zebra crossing to promote the visibility of LGBTI people, but Pijnacker-Nootdorp does not yet. Shouldn't it come? The parties are divided.

Hanneke van de Gevel van Honest Alternative: “It's a bit symbolic politics, but it makes me happy! A good starting point for naming the subject when you walk over it with your child.” Peter Hennevanger van D66 is not so excited: “Should we invest money in this? What's really going on about LGBTI? The municipality is there to solve problems.”

rainbow city
The Rainbow Cities Scheme is a subsidy from the government to stimulate LGBTI policy at the local level. Although Pijnacker-Nootdorp does not yet make use of the scheme, there is consensus among the parties about joining the Rainbow municipalities in the area.

Carla vanViegen of the Party for the Animals is a strong supporter of this: "I will certainly try to get this done in the coming term of office." Also Bernard Minderhoud van Gemeentebelangen would like to participate in such a scheme from the government: “It is not yet accepted at all among sports associations and among the elderly, but joining the Rainbow Cities can help with that”. Robert van der Welle van ChristenUnie-SGP: “It's going pretty well, so it's important that we participate because it's necessary, not because it's fun.” From Kuppeveld (CDA) wants to see what is needed together with the council and the COC and make money available for those things.

LGBTI sensitivity
When asked whether the municipality should set conditions for subsidies for, for example, sports and scouting associations in order to draw attention to sexual and gender diversity within these organizations, the parties unanimously reject:

Van Bijnen (Progressive Pijnacker-Nootdorp): “We want to organize the debate, not impose compelling subsidy conditions”. Hennecatcher van D66 agrees: “I am convinced that coercion is not necessary. I think the Sports Council, for example, is certainly open to this. I therefore call on the COC to enter into discussions with the Sports Council.” Deprivation (Municipality interests) sees a task for the municipality: “A safe sports climate is the task of the municipality and LGBTI people are also part of that”. Jensen of the VVD immediately takes a practical approach: “I am prepared to draw a line with the Sports Council”

from Viegen (Party for the Animals) will advocate for the interests of LGBTI+: “It is not about the right of the strongest, but about the interests of the weakest”. D66 and VVD want to enter into a dialogue with COC Haaglanden and stay in touch for the next four years. Also Fragrance Fisher (Lokaal-LPN) is enthusiastic: “We would like input from residents and civil society organizations and will wholeheartedly support proposals for improving LGBTI policy”

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