Raisa Sambo started working at COC Haaglanden on September 1, 2019 as a Networker and Social Worker.

Her wish is that people from the LGBTQI+ community are given the space to embrace their identity and increase their authenticity and self-love. So that LGBTQI+ persons can create their own lives within the system, which is not yet ripe to recognize and support them as such. 

Raisa has been working in the social sector since 2011. She has worked at Movisie Knowledge Institute for Social Issues (Utrecht) and HVO-Querido (Amsterdam) among others. She was responsible for coaching and supporting young adults with psychosocial problems, co-organizing projects, co-developing and implementing policy and giving workshops to colleagues. In addition to her work, she has set up a foundation with two partners that is aimed at improving and strengthening the social position and social acceptance of LGBTQI+ people. She also follows a part-time bachelor's degree in Public Administration: a broad education focused on management in the public domain.

As a Networker and Social Worker at COC Haaglanden, Raisa hopes to be able to reach, empower and connect more people!

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