Saturday 8 October is the day: Let's Connect 2022!! The event for all LGBTIQ+ students who want to know and do more with GSAs, with safety and representation. This day we transformed the St Maartens College into a queer safe space, be welcome!

The day is filled with a panel on queer visibility, performances, a Q&A and fun workshops. You can do everything, think of “How do you set up a GSA?”, “Outer Drag”, photography with your phone, Box it Out! Positive Identity, Safe sex, or the LGBTIQ+ history of the Netherlands.

Don't you have anything to do? Then you can make buttons, have a nice chat or participate in the big Kahoot™ quiz.

So: Do ​​you want to meet other queer students? Or do you want tips on how to do fun things with your GSA? Or how to set up a GSA? October 8, you can meet 224 other queer students and chat with members of other GSAs.

Another fun fact: just like last year, Let's Connect will be presented by Hanna van Vliet and Thorn de Vries! Nanoah Struik presents our panel and we are collecting performances.

Do you want to perform?  
Mail to

Would you first like to know more about what a GSA entails?  
Check out the GSA Network website.

For more info and support in the Haaglanden region  
Mail to:

Where and what time

Let's Connect! takes place at the Sint-Maartenscollege (Aart van der Leeuwkade 14, 2274 KX Voorburg), from 12:00 to 17:30. Entry is from 12 noon!

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