First let me introduce myself: My name is Alfred van Mill – Didden and my passion is trains.

I work as a chief conductor at the NS and in my spare time I work at home on a professional model railway that reflects the atmosphere of the German Railways in the 50s down to the smallest detail. Because of my hobby I am a member of various model railway clubs.

A number of times I left associations again because people showed in a subtle way that gays were actually not welcome. A practice that is not in accordance with the anti-discrimination legislation and I have raised it with the Dutch Model Railroad Federation.

As a result, I took the initiative to set up such an association myself. And then one in which LGBT's are welcome. I choose to do this in the form of a COC Haaglanden working group because I believe that they are experts in promoting sexual diversity like no other. This is what I advocate for in the working group to be set up. The association will also register as such with the Dutch Model Railway Federation.

What can you expect if you, as a COC target group, are interested in trains and model railways?

  • The construction of an N Model Railway Digital
  • Designing a track in N Spoor, there are examples available
  • How do you build a model railway?
  • The difference between analog and digital control of model railways
  • Programming the digital decoders
  • Railcar production
  • Compiling itineraries
  • Reading different magazines

Furthermore, I will schedule film screenings or lectures that highlight the backgrounds of the hobby.

The 'first ride' of The Rainbow Train is on November 8th. The location is the 2de floor of Basta, Scheveningseveer 7, 2514HB The Hague. Time: 19:30 to 22:00.

For now, participation is free. You can register via mob. Phone. 06-51 71 51 51,

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