Provide information and meeting opportunities for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders* with an intellectual disability. That is the aim of the website, which COC Netherlands will be launching on Thursday 27 November.

On the website LHBTs with intellectual disabilities can find information about the 16 meeting cafes that the COC organizes with fellow institutions throughout the Netherlands. A Facebook page has been integrated into the website, where LGBT people with intellectual disabilities can meet each other in a virtual environment. The new site will also contain information for supervisors, family and friends of this group.

LGBT people with intellectual disabilities face double discrimination: because of their disability and their sexual preference or gender identity. Their counselors often have insufficient knowledge and sensitivity about sexual preference and gender identity, or have a negative attitude towards LGBT people. In many LGBT venues, the group is ignored, while harsh jokes and nasty comments about LGBT people are often made in institutions for people with intellectual disabilities. All this often leads to strong feelings of loneliness and social isolation in this group.

The website is an initiative of COC Netherlands. The COC is working with LFB, the association for and by people with intellectual disabilities, and Vilans, knowledge center Long-term Care, in the project. Guide Without Stamp. The aim of this project is to increase awareness of and knowledge about LGBT people in the care of people with intellectual disabilities. COC, LFB and Vilans also want to calculate the isolation of LGBT people with an intellectual disability.

*LGBT = lesbian women, gay men, bisexuals and transgenders

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