We are proud and honored to bring to The Netherlands the Israeli theater production The Timekeepers. An internationally acclaimed and award winning drama over the destiny of a young German homosexual and a conservative elderly Jew in the Holocaust.

The Timekeepers

A play by Dan Clancy

When Hans, an outrageous young camp German homosexual, and Benjamin, a conservative elderly Jewish man are thrown together in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, they appear at first to have little in common. Working together, repairing watches for the Nazis under the tyrannical eye of the Capo, suspicion, prejudice, mistrust and indifference slowly give way to a touching friendship. Benjamin can mend watches. Hans knows how to survive. None of them can really sing opera. So what’s to be done? Humor, apparently, is a great weapon.

This award-winning drama has toured in Israel to great acclaim with this cast for over seven years and was successfully acclaimed in England, Scotland, Ireland, USA, Canada, South Africa, Poland, and Greece.

The play deals with the Holocaust in a way that accentuates the private experience amidst a tragedy of millions.

Director: Lee Gilat
Original score: Daniel Salomon
Vocal coach: Prof. Hanna Hacohen

Hans: Roy Horowitz
Benjamin: Pini Mittelman
Capo : Omer Etzion

All performances start at 20h

Korzo Theater
Prinsestraat 42, Den Haag

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