Come join us for a discussion about the diverse experiences of being LGBTQ+! Free and absolutely delicious dinner will be also provided.

20:00 – 20:30 : Arrival of guests (that’s you!) [dinner will be served around this time, don’t worry you may continue eating during the discussion – it will be like dinner discussion] ,
20:30 – 21:30 : Three speakers to share their experiences of being LGBTQ+ in the Netherlands
21:30 – 22:00 : Discussion session for you to ask any questions and/or share your personal experiences of being LGBTQ+

* The cafe will be open till 00:00, so please feel free to stay, mingle, and chat over drinks


  • Sam Sejjemba, Chairman and Coordinator for LGBT Refugees Den Haag
  • Ana Paula, Director of Trans United Netherlands
  • Hilde Vossen, Coordinator of Queer aan Zee

Dinner (it’s free!) will be served from 8pm – it will be delicious Lebanese food! If possible (and to ensure there is enough food for all), please respond by clicking ‘going’ on this event page. If this is not possible (for privacy reasons, etc), please feel free to send us a PM instead.

When and where?
Thursday 29th November 2018,  from 20:00 to 22:30
COC Café, Scheveningseveer 7, 2514HB Den Haag

Looking forward to see you there!

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