Coca-Cola bosses are deciding if they should speak out against Russia’s anti-gay laws. As a major sponsor of the Olympics, Coca-Cola is under growing pressure.

They’re expected to give their answer next week. Coca-Cola could claim Russia’s anti-gay laws have nothing to do with them. But if thousands of us send them emails, they could see this is a growing threat to Coca-Cola’s fun, friendly image and finally speak out.

Coca-Cola’s spending millions on the games in Sochi, so President Putin won’t be able to ignore them if they come out against the anti-gay law. Can you send a quick email now to Coca-Cola boss, Muhtar Kent, asking Coca-Cola to speak out?

Other Olympic sponsors, including McDonalds and Samsung, are waiting to hear what Coke says. If Coca-Cola does the right thing, other Olympic sponsors could follow in a domino effect.

Beyond the Olympics, Coca-Cola is a huge investor in Russia so it has a lot of economic power in the country. And if Coca-Cola speaks out, it will massively up the pressure on the Olympics Committee to take a stronger position too. It could all add up to irresistible pressure on the Russian government to repeal the laws before the Olympics.

Coca-Cola likes to shout about its reputation as a gay-friendly company. That means they’ll be sensitive to thousands of emails from us, raising the threat of a crisis for their reputation if they don’t speak out. Click here to send an email to Coca-Cola:

All Out members are getting results. Most recently, 79,500 of us sent emails to the Olympic Committee. They replied – saying for the first time that lesbian, gay, bi and trans people are included in anti-discrimination Olympic Principle 6.

Together, we got the UK Prime Minister to raise the anti-gay laws with President Putin face-to-face, after we protested in 34 cities across the world. And nearly 400,000 of us have signed the petition – wow.

All Out members are busy elsewhere too – petitioning Cameroon’s President Biya to end violence and asking Australia to stop sending refugees to a country where it’s illegal to be gay.

Right now, Coca-Cola needs to call for an end to Russia’s anti-gay laws. Send an email:

Thanks for going All Out,


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