The new chairman of COC Haaglanden Peter Scheffer responded in the media on 8 August to news reports about the advice of brokers to LGBTI couples not to live in certain neighborhoods in The Hague. Scheffer stated that he understands their concerns, but believes that the image should not be painted too black and white. There are also LGBTI couples who live satisfactorily in neighborhoods such as the Schilderswijk, Laak and Transvaal. Every place in The Hague should have a safe and tolerant living environment for all residents of The Hague, including LGBTI people. Everyone should be able to be themselves. In the nightlife, for example, that too often still goes badly and LGBTI people are regularly called names, spat at or threatened. A lot still needs to be done and the municipality must also actively take its responsibility when it comes to safety and well-being and come up with concrete plans. The COC wants to participate in a new action plan to be developed. 

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