The municipal elections of 19 March 2014 are important for all residents of the municipality. Young and old, big and small, gay and straight. With that in mind, COC Haaglanden and DWH Delft organize on Sunday 9 March a political debate.

From 15.00 p.m., candidate councilors of the Westland political parties will discuss in the Oikos Youth Society, Harry Hoekstraat 86, Wateringen. Almost all participating political parties are present, in a number of cases with the party leader.

About 10% of the population is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). In Westland this concerns almost 10.000 people. Their position is legally protected in the Netherlands. However, this does not mean that the social acceptance of homosexuality keeps pace with this legal anchoring.

The debate will focus on the themes of education, security, the elderly, transgenders and sport. Of course we look at the LGBT points in the Westland election programs or the lack thereof.

For the first time, the public can ask questions to one or more of the politicians via Twitter before or during the debate. For this, #pinkdebate used.

Anyone who would like to hear what the political parties of Westland think about education in schools, care for the elderly LGBT or combating discrimination in sport is very welcome. Admission to the debate is free. The hall is open from 14.30 pm.

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