1. What is your name (and age)?
    Full name Lodewijk Peter Boudewijn Brünings and I will be 2024 in August 63!
  2. How long have you been involved with COC Haaglanden?
    I have been involved with COC Haaglanden since November 2022, when I became a volunteer at the
    Friday evening. Earlier that year I visited a few times and thought: hey, I feel a family atmosphere here; I am going to commit myself to this.
  3. Why are you a member of COC Haaglanden/what does COC Haaglanden mean to you?
    As a member I support the COC in general. Together we are strong, is my motto. And I have the right to vote at membership meetings, but I have never been that activist.
  4. What do you do at COC Haaglanden? E.g. Volunteer, you go to activities and/or you often come for drinks.
    You can call me a host at COC Haaglanden. On Friday evening, the Zilveruitjes, assistant at
    Tika and on Sundays at Ooxo. Although I don't often go to activities, I am able to do them
    to organize. For example, I have the preliminary round of the COC Eurovision Song Contest and the Christmas celebration
    organized, as well as the New Year's Eve celebration here in the building, together with other volunteers. I
    try to create solidarity!
  5. What is the first thing you would implement if you were in charge of the world?
    As boss of the world, the UN? I would abolish the veto.
  6. What is the best music song ever made (and why)?
    Still the Wilhelmus. I am grateful that in the Netherlands, as Peter, I can be myself. A
    talkative Amsterdammer, now happy in The Hague.
  7. If you were to go to a desert island for the rest of your life and were only allowed to take one item with you, what would it be (and why)?
    Well that would be my box of medicine. Vital since 1996.
  8. What's the best party you've ever attended?
    The Gay Games in Amsterdam in 1998.
  9. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your young person

    After my coming out in 1984 I thought: if anyone has a problem with my homosexuality, it is his or her problem. Try to hold on to that. Be proud of yourself. Proud to be Peter, who is gay.
  10. Who do you want to pass the baton to?
    I pass the baton to Tom.

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