Are you gay, lesbian, bi or single and do you want to have children? Then come to the information meeting for prospective parents on Sunday 30 September. Stichting Meer dan Gewenst organizes the meeting for LGB(T)'s who want to have children, but heterosexuals who are considering a pink family are also very welcome. The information day is for the first time in Brabant, in Den Bosch. Intended parents from all over the country can register.

During the meeting, prospective parents who already have children will share their experiences. Furthermore, various possible family constructions will be discussed and there will be time for questions and discussion. A lawyer will explain the legal side of the different family compositions.  

Costs and registration
Participation costs 15 euros (plus 1,50 euros reservation costs). With this amount you support More than Desired.

Tickets you can here order.

Doors open at 10:45 AM, program starts at 11:00 AM. End of program 15:00 PM, then drinks until 15:30 PM. Tickets are also available at the door for 20 euros.

The meeting will take place in Noorderlicht primary school, First Rompert 9, Den Bosch. There is ample parking.

There are drinks, sandwiches, rompers and books for sale. You can't pin, so bring cash.

Click here for more information.

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